“The residents of Grand County deserve a leader who will fight for their best interests and for the success of the entire community, not just the privileged few. 

I am that leader.”


It’s time to add a real community voice to our Board of Commissioners. I will bring collaborative effort, ethical communication and creative solutions to the issues facing us.


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Affordable Housing

The shortage of affordable housing has acted as a barrier to success in our community for decades.

According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, a worker in Grand County must work 48 hours a week at minimum wage to afford a studio apartment. This cost does not include utilities and other bills. This is not sustainable.

  • It’s time to support those bringing community- based solutions and long-term vision to address this issue.

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Access to Healthcare

Our rural healthcare system is burdened with many issues including lack of mental health providers and services paired with a high-stress environment including poverty, substance abuse and lack of stable housing.

Several of our areas have no access to mental health providers.

In 2023, Grand County’s uninsured rate was triple that of the state average.

  • We need creative, collaborative ways to incentivize and support mental health care providers to be able to afford to run their business and provide services in Grand County.

  • We need to champion and support programs and organizations to make healthcare accessible to all.

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Economic Development and Growth

Investing in Economic Development and Growth is critical to the success of our economy.

For our economy to thrive, diversification of industry is crucial.

  • We must concentrate on the survival of our small businesses, which make up 99% of businesses in our community, through opportunities for growth and support innovators to make their endeavors a reality.

  • Broadband is an essential element for success for businesses in our community. Collaborative efforts must be supported to make broadband a reality now.

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Education and Childcare

Quality schools and childcare are essential for a stable workforce.

Our community faces a child-care shortage and an underfunded school system in a state that ranks 37th in teacher pay competitiveness.

  • We can address this issue by prioritizing stable housing for teachers and providers.

  • As a county, we need to facilitate the opening of new centers to help employers get the work force they need.

  • We must encourage collaboration between schools and child care centers, and champion organizations in our community who support child care and education.


Our county is growing quickly. We need vision, transparency, and strong communication in our leadership—we need Shanna Ganne.
